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Unit of Study- Illustrator Jan Brett




We will give further instruction in problem solving strategies for addition and subtraction. Modeling, counting on or counting back, and using known facts will be a focus. Number lines and tens frames remain strong modeling tools to move away from specific picture drawing strategies. “Measurement “ will be assessed on this progress report. It includes a student’s ability to tell time to the hour and half hour, identify pennies, nickels, and dimes and knowing their values in order to combine and find total value up to $1 and use standard and non-standard units to measure.


• I can find a number that is 10 more than a given number.

• I can find a number that is 10 less than a given number.

• I can use words, numbers, pictures and/or materials to model and solve addition subtraction equations.

• I can put two numbers together for all the ways to make numbers up to 10.

• I can break a number up to 10 into two parts.

• I can skip count by 2’s to at least 50.

• I can skip count by 5’s to at least 100.

• I can create a growing and shrinking pattern with objects, pictures, numbers and rules.

• I can identify the rule of a pattern.

• I can solve real-world addition and subtraction problems using objects and/or number sentences.

• I can solve and tell if addition equations are true or false.

• I can solve and tell if subtraction equations are true or false.

• I can write an addition number sentence to match a story problem.

• I can write a subtraction number sentence to match a story problem.

• I can measure the length of an object using a different object.

• I can tell time to the hour.

• I can tell time to the half hour.

• I can name a penny, nickel and dime.

• I can tell the value of a penny, nickel and dime.

• I can tell the value of a group of coins up to $1.00.



STEM Unit of Study: Penguins

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